HERFORM: Nurturing the Potential of Female Athletes
In January 2023, the South African Cricketers’ Association (SACA) was invited to participate as a partner in the European Commission-co-funded “HERFORM” project.
The project is led by Rugby Players Ireland (project proposal co-created by TWIN). SACA, through National Player Development Manager Ruan Schlebusch, along with the Sports University of Cologne, is the research lead. Other project partners are the Spanish Futsal Association and the National Youth Association of Sweden.
The HERFORM project, a groundbreaking initiative dedicated to the personal development of female athletes transitioning into high-performance sports environments, is currently in its fourth phase. This ambitious three-year project aims to address the unique challenges and needs of female athletes as they embark on their journey towards athletic excellence.
The project recognises that high-performance sport is not solely about physical prowess. Fostering the mental, emotional, and social well-being of athletes is equally important. By focusing on personal development, HERFORM seeks to empower female athletes to reach their full potential.
The research and interview phases of the HERFORM project have highlighted several gaps, both within and outside of the direct control of athletes. The underrepresentation of female coaching and management roles within professional sports and the tendency to replicate programmes designed for male athletes without considering the specific physiological and psychological needs of female athletes are some of the common systemic and organisational challenges that have a direct impact on female athletes. As a generalisation, female athletes transitioning into high-performance spaces are under-supported and under-equipped.
In an aim to bridge these gaps, HERFORM is developing a digital training hub. This innovative platform will provide female athletes with the tools and resources they need to navigate the complexities of professional sports, empowering athletes to take control of their own development.
As a contributing partner to the HERFORM project, SACA is committed to utilising the insights gained from the project to improve its programmes for female members. By providing early access to the digital hub in 2025, SACA aims to equip its members with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their careers.